
Group: DynoMotion Message: 293 From: judrandom Date: 4/7/2010
Subject: G-code error?
All 3 of my motors seem to be running well and the encoders are working.
When I jog on the g-code screen the motors move fine. The problem is when I hit run g-code or input a line like G0 X20.0 Y20.0 Z6.0 the program gives a g-code error axis disabled message. The motors are not actually disabled and I can still jog just no g-code.
Group: DynoMotion Message: 294 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 4/7/2010
Subject: Re: G-code error?
Hi Jared,
I think you probably have more than just your 3 axes defined (which is the default) and one of those axis is disabled.
Assuming your X,Y,Z axis are axis channels 0,1,2 you need to execute a C program to define them with a line such as:
After you have all your axes working create a C program that will configure all the parameters, enable your axes, and define the coordinate system.
See Step 4 here (regardless if you are using Mach3 or KMotionCNC):